
Grazing on Five Mini-Meals

Grazing can be defined or understood as eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. The science behind the benefits of “grazing” continues to grow. Some of these benefits include:

  • More energy
  • More alert and clearer thinking
  •  Enjoying a good gut feeling
  • Likely to have fewer -itis illnesses
  • More likely to be lean
  • Less hungry, more satisfied
  • Less moody

T5 Grazing Tips:

  1. Follow Dr. Bill’s rule of twos:
    • Eat ½ as much
    • Eat twice as often
    • Chew twice as long (The longer you chew, the better for you)
  2. Always partner carbs with protein, healthy fats, and or fiber
  3. Use Chop sticks instead of a fork
  4. Use smaller plates
  5. Make a healthy snack grab box:
    • Hard boiled eggs (2 per bag)
    • Hummus and veggies
    • Trail mix (1/4 servings)
    • Edamame
    • Celery sticks with single serving packets of nut butter
    • Whole pieces of fruit

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